Welcome to OrthoVirginia Telemedicine
This info center includes all you need to know to prepare for a seamless video visit with your clinician or therapist.
Visits most appropriate for a telemedicine visit could include post-operative follow-up visits, visits to review MRI and CT results, and visits to check progress or response to a treatment.
Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications such as a computer or phone. If a telemedicine visit is appropriate, our staff is happy to help get you set-up for your telemedicine visit.
Schedule an appointment
Existing patients can use MyChart or call us to schedule a telemedicine appointment.
Hampton Roads: 757-422-8476
Lynchburg: 434-485-8598
Northern Virginia: 703-277-2663
Richmond: 804-915-1910
Southwest Virginia: 434-485-8573
What is telemedicine?
Telemedicine is the remote delivery of healthcare services using live video visits. It allows healthcare providers an additional way to evaluate, diagnose and develop treatment plans with patients using technology, such as video conferencing and smartphones, without the need for an in-person visit. Telemedicine visits allow the medical provider to interview and complete a limited exam to increase accessible care options for patients and to provide an innovative and convenient way for patients to interact with a physician.
Our goal is to value a patient’s time, increase their accessibility, and create a better continuity of care.