- Pre-Op Clearance Form (PDF)
- ACL Reconstruction with Allograft (PDF)
- ACL Reconstruction with Hamstring Autograft (PDF)
- Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair (PDF)
- Arthroscopic Slap Repair (PDF)
- Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression with or without Excision of Distal Clavicle (PDF)
- Arthroscopic Anterior Capsulolabral Reconstruction (PDF)
- Knee Arthroscopy (PDF)
- Large Rotator Cuff Repair (PDF)
- Massive Rotator Cuff Repair (PDF)
- Meniscal Repair (PDF)
- Microfracture/OATS for Articular Cartilage Lesions (PDF)
- MPFL Reconstruction (PDF)
- Non-Surgical Progressive Throwing Program For Baseball (PDF)
- Patellar Tendon Repair (PDF)
- PCL Reconstruction (PDF)
- Posterior Bankart Repair/ Posterior Capsular Plication (PDF)
- Post-Surgical Progressive Throwing Program For Baseball (PDF)
- Progressive Throwing Program For Football (PDF)
- Proximal Humerus Fracture ORIF (PDF)
- Quad Tendon Repair (PDF)
- Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (PDF)
- Thrower’s Ten Exercise Program (PDF)
- Total Shoulder Arthroplasty With Lesser Tuberosity Osteotomy (PDF)
- Total Shoulder Replacement or Hemiarthroplasty with Subscapularis Tenotomy (PDF)