When the posterior tibial tendon gets irritated, it can cause pain in the arch of your foot, foot swelling, and can make it difficult to stand or walk. A fall or using it too much can cause the irritation or even tearing of the tendon. Once the tendon is affected, slowly the arch of your foot will collapse.
Non-surgical treatment helps many patients. Stopping activities that bother the tendon, such as running and sports that require a lot of sharp movements like basketball, is the first step. Applying ice and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also help.
A short leg cast or a walking boot can help for a few weeks, but can’t be used long-term. An orthotic (shoe insert) and a brace are good longer-term treatment options. Physical therapy can help strengthen the tendon.
If these treatments don’t help, surgery may be needed.