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Blog posts

Unlocking the Potential: The Benefits of Hip Mobility

Hip mobility, while often overlooked, plays a crucial role in our overall health and physical performance. The hips are central to many movements, acting as a bridge between the upper and lower body.  Because of this important role, improving hip mobility can offer numerous benefits, from enhancing athletic performance to reducing the risk of injury. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top three benefits of hip mobility.

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5 Things You May Not Know About the Hip Labrum and Hip Arthroscopy

The hip labrum is a ring of cartilage encircling the hip socket, providing vital support and stability to the hip joint. Acting as a cushion and seal, it ensures smooth movement and reduces friction during activities like walking, running, and jumping. When the labrum becomes torn or damaged, it can lead to hip pain and limited mobility.

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The Journey Back to Sports After Hip Arthroscopy

Returning to sport after hip arthroscopy can be intimidating. I find it helpful to break the recovery into 4 major phases. It is important to remember that each phase builds on the accomplishments of the previous one. Therefore, every patient’s journey is going to be different. It is crucial to communicate closely with your physician and rehabilitation team to make the journey as smooth as possible.

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Top 5 Common Symptoms of Hip Labral Tear and Impingement

Understanding the symptoms of hip labral tear and impingement is vital for early detection and appropriate treatment. These conditions can impact our mobility and quality of life. In this article, we present the top 5 common symptoms associated with hip labral tear and impingement. By recognizing these signs, you can take proactive steps towards seeking medical advice and embarking on a path to recovery.

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The Pandemic’s Impact on Athletes’ Training and Injuries

Sports are very near and dear to my heart, as I’m sure they are to the vast majority of our culture.
Of the many things this global pandemic has negatively impacted, sports are one that hits home for a lot of us. In this discussion, I want to take a step back and talk specifically about how this pandemic affects athletes of all levels regarding their training and injuries.

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Introducing the Stryker Pivot Guardian Table for Hip Arthroscopy in Richmond

Here at OrthoVirginia, we are proud to be the first and only practice in the Richmond area to own and routinely use the Stryker Pivot Guardian Table to provide the highest quality of care. 

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Academic publications

Editorial Commentary: Successful Hip Arthroscopy for Patients With Hypermobility Requires a Patient-centric Approach, Meticulous Capsular Management, and Preservation of the Fibrous Capsular Ligaments

Successful arthroscopic hip surgery for patients with generalized ligamentous laxity requires dedicated attention to preoperative patient counseling, including consideration of each patient’s functional status and goals, careful evaluation of patient symptomatology, and meticulous capsular management.

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The Forward Movement: Amplifying Black Voices on Race and Orthopaedics—It’s Time to Talk about Race in Sports Medicine

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Determination of the Position of the Knee at the Time of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture for Male Versus Female Patients by an Analysis of Bone Bruises

Kwadwo A. Owusu-Akyaw, MD, Sophia Y. Kim, BSE, Charles E. Spritzer, MD, Amber T. Collins, PhD, Zoë A. Englander, MS, Gangadhar M. Utturkar, MS, William E. Garrett, MD, PhD, Louis E. DeFrate, ScD

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A comparison of patellofemoral cartilage morphology and deformation in anterior cruciate ligament deficient versus uninjured knees

Kwadwo A. Owusu-Akyaw, Lauren N. Heckelman, Hattie C. Cutcliffe, E. Grant Sutter , Zoë A. Englander, Charles E. Spritzer, William E. Garrett, Louis E. DeFrate

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diagram of gelnohumeral joint with colorful bands

In Vivo Assessment of Exercise-Induced Glenohumeral Cartilage Strain

Hanci Zhang, MD, Lauren N. Heckelman, MS, Charles E. Spritzer, MD, Kwadwo A. Owusu-Akyaw, MD, John T. Martin, PhD, Dean C. Taylor, MD, C.T. Moorman, III, MD, Grant E. Garrigues, MD, Louis E. DeFrate, ScD

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bar chart showing self-administered exam has higher clinical accuracy than standarized clinial exam

Concurrent validity of a patient self-administered examination and a clinical examination for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome

Kwadwo Adu Owusu-Akyaw, Carolyn A Hutyra, Richard J Evanson, Chad E Cook, Mike Reiman, Richard C Mather

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Editorial Commentary: Advances in 3-Dimensional Imaging are the Key to Improving our Surgical Precision in Hip Arthroscopy and Beyond

Kwadwo Adu Owusu-Akyaw, M.D.

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Editorial Commentary: Hip Borderline Dysplasia Patients May Have Acetabular Undercoverage and Larger Labra

Kwadwo Adu Owusu-Akyaw, M.D.

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